




With continuing education in mind, LIS is also offering General English at the primary level. This is to ensure that we continue and follow up with the quality education that we have already invested in our preschoolers.

With the same Multiple Intelligences Theory as the backbone of our methods of teaching, we provide learning opportunities that are gradually increasing in difficulty and skill level that motivates our students' minds to aim a lot higher and push their potentials to heights that they can possibly reach.

Your children will be taught the following subjects in the primary level:

- Language (reading, writing, speaking, grammar, vocabulary)
- Mathematics
- Science and Health
- Physical Education, Music and Arts
- Geography and History
- Computer

LIS provides various educational aids through our huge book collection in our library, computer and audio-visual labs, as well as first-hand learning through personal involvement and experiences (field trips, campus activities).




We at LIS believe that each child is unique with inert, unlimited potentials waiting to be discovered and developed. A child's mind is primed for learning, like a sponge that takes in all the moisture of its surroundings. With the right environment, information, opportunities and methods to learn, we prepare the child to grow into an intelligent, confident adult equipped for success in the future. Our American-inspired curriculum is centered on this belief with the knowledge and understanding of the Multiple Intelligence Theory of Harvard Professor Dr. Howard Gardner. We understand that there are different types of intelligences and that each person has his own way of learning and processing knowledge. With this in mind, we educate your children in variety of ways using music, cooperative learning, art activities, role play, multimedia, total physical response, real life exposure, games and physical activities among others in order to give them the opportunity to approach learning through one of their high ability levels, as well as the chance to practice using other ability levels. We are also aware that following their interests helps them connect the new things they learn with what they already know and put meaningful context into it.

The quality of early education you give to your children determines a big part of their future. At LIS, we make sure that only the best is given to them.

Your child will learn the following subjects with us:

-Language (speaking, listening, pre-reading skills)
-Beginner Mathematics
-Early Science
-Logic and Reasoning
-Arts and Crafts
-Physical Kinesthetics
-Social Skills
-Manners and Routines